German 1 Pfennig 1960-1975 coin value


The image of this coin is simply an example of East Germany 1 Pfennig 1960-1975 type coinage. Coin values are for reference only and can only serve as an approximate estimate for a piece of stated condition and typical year.
A coin of the same type from a rarer year may cost significantly more, but not always. Each specific case requires separate consideration.
Coin East Germany 1 Pfennig 1960-1975 presented on this page is not sold or bought - this is only a catalog.
See other types of coins of GDR.


Coin Deutschland Democratic 1 Pfennig 1968


German Democratic Republic - DDR (1949-1990)

Currency - Mark (DM) =100 Pfennig
Type - circulation coins

Composition - Aluminium
Diameter - 17 mm.
Weight - 0.7 grams
Alignment - Medal

Years of coinage - 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975
Mint mark - A (Berlin)

Legend: 1 PFENNIG Year

State emblem

Edge: Plain

Krause catalog number - KM#8.1

Coin price in "UNC" - $0.10-0.20